The use of hypnosis in Stroke Rehabilitation

Learning new Neuroscientific Strategies in the management of the Stroke patient

Speaker: Dr. Giancarlo Russo

Content of the presentation 

The main topic of the lecture will be the management of the stroke patient and how to use hypnotic strategies in the rehab.

Goal of the presentation

The purpose of the lecture is to sensibilize the audience about the value of the hypnosis approach in the NeuroRehabilitation and to teach some good tips to apply in these cases.

What makes this presentation unique?

My 30 years experience in the field.

Short profile

Giancarlo is a Physiotherapist specialized in NeuroRehabilitation of the newborn and of the adult and in Functional Rehabilitation.

He studies and practice hypnosis since 35 years and is the first Physiotherapist that uses hypnosis in his field.




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